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Are You Looking for a Career Change?

Are You Looking for a Career Change?

Have you been working in the same industry for a significant amount of time, and feel like you need a change? Do you still love your industry, but are finding yourself a little unmotivated, stale, or physically unable to do it anymore? You may have been considering a...

The Straight-Forward Process to Becoming a JP or Cdec

The Straight-Forward Process to Becoming a JP or Cdec

Are you interested in becoming a Queensland Justice of the Peace, or a Commissioner for Declarations?  It's a fairly straight forward process, but there are some eligibility requirements. Firstly - make sure you are eligible.  You must be: an Australian citizen 18...

5 Tips to Approach a Job Interview with Confidence

5 Tips to Approach a Job Interview with Confidence

1.  Be Prepared Think of the interview as a sports competition; being prepared is what is most likely going to get you across that finish line first. Ensure that you take the time to research the company and that you understand the role you are being interviewed for....

8 Hot Tips for Improving your Resume

8 Hot Tips for Improving your Resume

  When applying for a job you must aim to make your resume stand out from other job applicants in order to be successful. Your resume needs to attract the attention of a recruiter/human resources manager quickly and effectively. To write an effective resume you...

How to win over your interviewer

How to win over your interviewer

With employment competition so fierce these days, impressing your interviewer is an important and often stressful part of a job-seeker’s journey. The hardest part of getting a job is creating an amazing first impression. However if you put the ideas below in place,...


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