RAM Training Services

Should I wait for the TAE40122 or, should I do the TAE40116 now?

Here at RAM Training Services, we are starting to get asked the question, “I have heard that there is a new TAE coming out, should I wait to enrol, or should I do the TAE now?”

This is a very valid question, because no one wants to start a qualification and then half way through it have to transition into a new one. It is true that, in the background, as we speak, a new revision of the TAE Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is being developed with a potential release of around October or November of this year, and with a timeline for most RTO’s to offer it as of next year.

So let’s cut to the chase, what are the key facts?

The new TAE22, at this stage, is proposed to have a number of possible ‘streams’ of study that, depending on the RTO that you study with, you may end up doing a different stream to another student if they study at another RTO. The proposed streams are:

  • Training and Assessment
  • Learner Support
  • General

Some of the assessment requirements will definitely be different for the delivery of presentations etc and these are yet to be finalized.  However, we here at RAM, will be providing an update of the nature of our course once things are finalized with the peak industry bodies, and the new qualification is released.

We have been advised that the new version of the TAE will have 12 units (6 Core, 6 Electives), instead of the current TAE40116 qualification which has 10 units (9 Core, 1 Elective). So there will be slightly more work to do in the new version, and more variety of course options out there in the marketplace.

But here is the really exciting news: at this stage the TAE40116 is proposed to be equivalent to the new TAE40122. What does that mean for you? If you as a student were to enrol now, you would technically not ever need to ‘upgrade’ to the TAE40122, and might even have less work to do.

So our advice, enrol NOW!  Once the new TAE is released, you will still have 12 months to complete the TAE40116 course, which is super exciting.

If you would like specifics on what the new TAE40122 might look like, we encourage you to check out this link to the current proposed version by Price Waterhouse Coopers, who are responsible for the development of the qualification.

As always, if you have any questions about the Training and Assessment qualification, or any other qualifications of interest such as First Aid, Certificate II in Security Operations, or becoming a Justice of the Peace, don’t hesitate to contact us on 1300 328 500 or email info@ramtrainingservices.com.au.


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