RAM Training Services

Importance of First Aid

First aid saves lives. Injuries can happen anywhere at any time and having previous first aid knowledge can prove to be the difference between life and death in many situations.

A New South Wales report (http://arcnsw.org.au/files/7013/5088/1971/CAR_-_summary_-_ARC_NSW_document.pdf) tells us that due to lack of accessible training and information only 2 percent of people suffering from a cardiac arrest in public areas treated with a defibrillator by a bystander; even though the process could save their life.

It only takes one day to complete a First Aid/CPR course. These courses take you through common scenarios and teach you how to apply first aid to an injured person. This knowledge not only saves lives but also increases your awareness on safety and hazards. Each year 3,800 people have a cardiac arrest in New South Wales, Australia; a staggering 90 percent of them don’t survive. If more people are educated on first aid this percentage could dramatically drop.

First aid is essential in emergency situations when action needs to be taken before an ambulance arrives.  In Australia the average ambulance response time is between 7.5 and 10 minutes. By learning how to assess victims’ injuries or symptoms and act with appropriate treatment is an important skill in the workplace, home life and everywhere in between.  Patients must receive CPR or defibrillation within the first 10 minutes of suffering cardiac arrest to survive. If delivered quickly (within 3 minutes) up to 75 percent of patients can survive.

Implementing first aid does not eliminate the need for a hospital, it is used to contain an emergency situation and lessen the impact of injuries. A doctor should always check victims after you have treated them yourself. Weigh the situation critically to determine if the subject needs to be taken to a hospital or general practitioner. There are no negatives to learning the basics of first aid. It is a great skill for anyone to have and can look great on your resume. First aid is very important and does not take long to learn. The next life you save could be one of your loved ones.


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